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The Vision Australia Library is proud to launch its bibliotherapy podcast series Wellbeing Through Stories with Doctor Susan: to help you relax, reflect and renew.

Bibliotherapy is the practice of using literature and storytelling to positively effect wellbeing. Dr Susan McLaine is an international leader in the practice of bibliotherapy and has produced the podcasts exclusively for the library.

The Wellbeing Through Stories podcast is comprised of three series of three episodes each for adults, young adults and children. Each series guide listeners through the themes of: the nurturing qualities of nature; identifying our needs in order to live a good life; and seeking answers to the hard questions of life.  

The healing power of storytelling

Library member, Robyn, recently attended the Telelink bibliotherapy session which convinced her further of the healing power of storytelling.

‘It was like sitting around a cosy fire reflecting on being human and being a part of the natural world." she said.

"I found myself, between sessions, reflecting  on the questions posed by Dr. Susan and I am so grateful for the opportunity to be so skillfully guided through these reflections."

Vision Australia Library manager, Vildana Praljak says the library’s bibliotherapy initiative is just one way the library supports its members to live well.

“Supporting our member’s wellbeing has been a growing part of Vision Australia Library’s work," she said.

"We know that reading is a comfort and companion to so many of our library members, so bibliotherapy is a fitting resource to offer.

“Working with Dr Susan to develop these sensitive and insightful podcasts gives us a renewed appreciation for the beauty and power of words which we hope our members will experience too.”

Wellbeing Through Stories is available to borrow now through the Vision Australia Library. The links to the series are below.

The podcasts 


Ep.1:  The acoustics of biological diversity 

Celebrate the beautiful sounds of nature, through an excerpt of the poetic non-fiction work The Song of Trees: stories from nature’s great connectors, by David George Haskell.  The story will be followed by the poem Rain, by Claribel Alegría.

Ep. 2:  Things that sparkle.

This episode is about shiny things and wishing for a different life from the one we have. It features the 1884 short story, Necklace, by French writer Guy de Maupassant, and the poem, Overheard on a Salt Marsh by Harold Monro.

Ep. 3: What do you want to be when you grow up?

The main character takes us on a journey around the world seeking an answer to the hardest but simplest question. Along the way we’ll discover why we need teachers to help us answer an even more important question. This episode features

Jeanette Winterson’s short story The World and Other Places.

Young adults

Ep. 1: What does a waygaragah smell like?

Exploring what an Australian beech tree smells and sounds like offers a cross sensory connection that helps give us a sense of self. Features the short story

 Waygaragah or Antarctic Beech by David George Haskell, 

Ep 2:  To want and want not 

The short-story, Thingless by Scott Gardner, offers a way to think about what makes us feel like we’re living a life which honours our values.

Ep 3:  Can we turn back time?

The Time Keepers by Ursula Wills-Jones is an imaginative short story providing a new way to think about time.


Ep. 1: It all starts with one

The story One Tree by Christopher Cheng helps the listener to think about how nature can help us connect with the stories handed down through families.

Ep. 2: Give and take

An imaginary creature in the modern fable The Wanting Monster by Martine Murray teaches the balance between give and take.

Ep. 3: Does practice make perfect?

A group of animals think about what it means to be part of a community. This episode features the story Goldenboot Fox by Terry Denton. 


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